OC365 - Opportunity Collaboration
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For over a decade, Opportunity Collaboration (OC) has convened social sector leaders building sustainable solutions to poverty from over 85 countries around the world. With the impacts of the global pandemic, the pause on in-person gatherings, the ever-increasing need for more effective poverty solutions, and the overwhelming demand we’ve heard from our community, we launched OC365, a monthly online convening platform for global impact leaders to foster global community, personal growth, and poverty solutions.

A broad spectrum of global changemakers

We’re forging a foundation of trust, empathy and respect, upon which more effective partnerships and collaborations are built.


Not a typical Zoom call

We are maximizing the blossoming array of digital tools and online facilitation to enable genuine relationship-building, deep dialogue, and concrete outcomes.



Session topics and conversations are Delegate-designed and led.


A natural extension of our community

OC365’s monthly online offering will be symbiotic with OC’s flagship in-person un-conference, which will convene November 2-6, 2025.

Thank you for granting me the opportunity to connect with incredible leaders and human beings. OC365 was a gift amidst a year of uncertainty. I craved connection and having a space to open up, to share, and to learn from was inspiring. Not only that, my organization has garnered more momentum and certainly OC365 was a large catalyst in our growth.

Event Info

Monthly Online Interaction

When you join OC365, you gain access to these core programs offered on a monthly rotating basis:


Community Connections – small-group breakouts inspired by thought-provoking prompts to foster deeper connections within the community


Reciprocity Circles – Delegates present challenges and/or opportunities for which they would like input


Affinity Circles – open, large format Delegate-hosted meetings for SDGs, regions and roles


Delegate Discussions – Delegate facilitated conversations (as opposed to formal presentation) on topics or issues of Delegate’s choosing, co-hosted by multiple Delegates


Community Enrichment – often a midway point enriched with music, movement, laughter, or some other form of fun!

Additional Benefits

You will also receive:


Concierge Connection Service – 30 minute profiling session to discern optimal demographics of desired introductions, and quarterly touchpoints to identify new members of potential interest resulting in 5-10 carefully curated connections per OC365 Delegate per year


Community Platform – an online platform and community engagement tool that connects Social Purpose Organizations and Funders – providing tools, stories and up-to-date data on the World Changers, increasing market insights and networking opportunities


Monthly OC365 community programming, which includes all online OC offerings including Affinity Circle and Collaboration Circle convenings, rosters, and resources – $500 for 12 monthly sessions from January-December 2025. Fee is prorated based on date of registration.


IMPORTANT: for anyone enrolled in OC2025, our IN-PERSON gathering in November, participation in OC365 is included.


Launching in January, 2025


second Wednesday of every month, except for January and November, 8am to 10am Pacific


January 15th (Community Reunion and OC365 Launch Party)
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
October 8th
November 19th
December 10th


Online!  Registered attendees will receive relevant links.

I can't believe OC365 is wrapped up for the year. This was my first time attending, though I've wanted to go for years. It was more incredible than expected. You really have built an amazing community of people, and it's one I'm excited to be a part of for a long time!



Descriptions of each of these agenda items are above in the “Monthly Online Interaction” section.

OC365 sample agenda

Anti-Harassment Policy


At Opportunity Collaboration, we envision a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. We know that is not yet the world that we live in, and acknowledge that there is power and privilege that we must work to address to level the playing field.


We have a zero-tolerance policy for harm and harassment. Opportunity Collaboration reserves the right to decline Delegate status to anyone violating this policy. This policy is shared on the website and every Delegate receives written information onsite about how to report negative experiences, along with a list of individuals who can respond to concerns.


We seek to live our values in community, as demonstrated through our words and actions. We seek to create a space where everyone feels supported to show up as their best self and share their unique contributions with one another. We believe that we create our best work in the world in an environment where everyone can thrive. We seek to support our Delegates in being present with one another in a way that dismantles oppressive systems present in society at large.


To create a space where everyone feels welcomed and supported, we ask all Delegates in our community to follow these guidelines:


  • Respect others. We respect every person and prioritize personal development in ourselves and others. Respectful behavior includes listening before speaking and asking questions rather than assuming intentions. It means respecting others as they seek to build meaningful connections, and entering into private meetings or conversations only when invited, or after asking permission.
  • Assume the best. If you have been offended or hurt by someone’s words or actions, seek first to understand their intentions and meaning (if you feel it is appropriate and that you can do so safely).
  • Respect your own needs. Pay attention to your own needs. Stand up for yourself if you have been treated unfairly, or ask for help or clarification. Take the time or space you need to be fully present and rested.
  • Engage in constructive dialogue. We bring together people from many different walks of life. Recognize that someone else’s frame of reference is likely to be different from your own. When conflicts arise, see what you can learn from another’s point of view.
  • Do not harass others, and do your part to prevent and stop harassment. Contribute not only through refraining from engaging in harassing behavior yourself, but by standing beside and in support of others who you see experiencing forms of harassment.
What Is Harassment?

What is harassment? Harassment can be verbal, physical, or emotional. Harassment includes:


  • Offensive comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, citizenship status or religion.
  • Use or abuse of a position of privilege or power to manipulate or extort others into doing something about which they are hesitant or uncomfortable (i.e. meeting in a location or in attire that is not professional).
  • Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices.
  • Unwelcome sexual attention.
  • Unsolicited or off-topic sexual images, references, behavior, or advances.
  • Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent or after a request to stop.
  • Coercion, pressure, or repeated suggestions to engage in the consumption of alcohol or drugs.
  • Threats of violence.
  • Incitement of violence towards any individual, including encouraging a person to commit suicide or to engage in self-harm.
  • Deliberate intimidation.
  • Deliberate misgendering.
  • Stalking or following.
  • Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes.
  • Sustained disruption of discussion.
  • Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others.
  • Continued one-on-one communication after requests to cease.
  • Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent.
  • Publication of private communications.
Reporting Process

If you are involved in or witness any wrongful conduct at OC, we encourage you to notify us. Email topher@ocimpact.com.  Emails are treated confidentially.


In an emergency, immediately dial 9-1-1.

Expressing deep gratitude for OC365. It was just what I needed - in the way only OC can be. Since 2015, this has been my community of service and a place where serendipity and reflection opens me to the next iteration of me and my work. OC365 delivered just as Ixtapa and Cancun always have. The only thing that was missing was bad cocktails. - Sherri Howard, Principal, Being Human