Join our 4-night, 3-day collaborative summit focused on solutions to global poverty and injustice
Apply Now!
Here’s what to expect:
All-inclusive 4 nights lodging & meals at Club Med da Balaia
Full access to leadership programs, including Leadership Circles, Conversations for Change, Making Change As… Sessions, All Boats Rise Workshops, Affinity Circles, and impromptu working groups
Organizational showcasing opportunities
Pre- and post-event networking concierge services
Transportation to and from the airport, internet fees, onsite recreation and resort fees
And…complimentary participation in OC365, monthly online touchpoints with fellow impact leaders, January through December
Registration Fees:*
Private Room Registration Fee: $3550
Room Sharing Registration Fee: $1995
*Registration Fees increase after May 31, 2025. Rates subject to change.
The difference with the Opportunity Collaboration is that everybody really does want to talk to everybody. Look for a table of 10 with 9 people in deep discussion. At the Opportunity Collaboration you will be very welcome to sit in that seat, and you’ll be welcomed in to the conversation. – Samantha Morshed, Founder and Director, Hathay Bunano
Opportunity Collaboration is one of the most unique conferences I've ever attended, full of heart and determination to solving global poverty. There are ample opportunities for networking and powerful conversations, and at the same time, there is space for self-reflection. - Jill Ultan, Producer, Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship
The entire purpose of the Opportunity Collaboration is to connect you with new people and new ideas. Come prepared to share best practices, illuminate partnership opportunities or reveal a current passion or innovative idea. Engage your fellow Delegates with your mission.
For over a decade, Opportunity Collaboration (OC) has convened social sector leaders building sustainable solutions to poverty from over 85 countries around the world. With the impacts of the global pandemic, the pause on in-person gatherings, the ever-increasing need for more effective poverty solutions, and the overwhelming demand we’ve heard from our community, we launched OC365, a monthly online convening platform for global impact leaders to foster global community, personal growth, and poverty solutions.
Everyone enrolled in OC2025 receives complimentary admission to OC365, gaining access to these core programs offered on a monthly basis:
Community Connections – personal sharing, “What’s it like to be you right now?”
How Can We Help You? – Delegates present challenges and/or opportunities for which they would like input
Affinity Circles ~ open, large format Delegate-hosted meetings for SDGs, regions and roles
Funder Office Hours ~ individual philanthropists, leaders from small to large foundations, angels, fund managers and institutional impact investors host opportunities for fund-seekers to ask any and all questions
Conversations for Change & Capacity-Building Clinics – dialogue (as opposed to formal presentation) on topics or issues of Delegate’s choosing, co-hosted by multiple Delegates
Serendipity Hour – no formal agenda but suggested discussion prompts, co-hosted by Fellowship Partner orgs
Once your registration in OC2025 is confirmed, you will receive calendar invitations with Zoom details for the monthly OC365 calls.
Conversations for Change are extended, 90 minute work sessions in which Delegates describe specific objectives and common challenges around a central question, policy issue or theme. Conversations for Change include a broad range of poverty-alleviation actors: investors, grant-makers, for-profit social enterprises and non-profits. Delegates are asked to contribute their specific institutional expertise, explain their theory of social change and, most importantly, share what problem they are confronting that attracted them to the Conversation. Solutions are discussed by the group.
All Boats Rise sessions are 2-hour interactive workshops that prioritize connection amongst participants and co-created learnings, tools, and more to help all rise, especially those who have further to travel.
During Making Change As… sessions, Delegates discuss the opportunities and challenges for different change leaders and social identities when creating impact. MAKING CHANGE AS… sessions are open dialogues. Everyone is invited to engage in the conversation, and share their unique challenges or opportunities within the context of their common identity.
Office Hours are hosted by funding organizations and Delegates offering a pro-bono service to the OC community. Delegates make themselves available during this time to connect with anyone who would like meet. Many funders host Office Hours so that anyone can drop by and ask them questions about their funding priorities and process. Pro-bono legal, financial, media and Board advisors may also be available.
Core Activity for All Delegates
Leadership Circles are an essential aspect of the Opportunity Collaboration experience. In small groups, all Delegates participate in this core curriculum, creating a common experiential bond and shared set of learning.
The Leadership Circles program is Opportunity Collaboration’s signature seminar on executive leadership, economic justice and the good society. Leadership Circles address the principles that drive poverty alleviation and asks Delegates to think pragmatically about the nature of their leadership.
Opportunity Collaboration intentionally brings together leaders working on a diverse array of poverty solutions, crossing sectors, geographies and other work silos so Delegates can learn from each other’s successes and challenges around the globe. Of course, Delegates also appreciate time to meet others working in the same way (ROLE), on the same issues (Sustainable Development Goal) and/or in the same geographies (REGION). This is your chance!
In Affinity Circles, Delegates who share a common affinity are invited to walk on the beach, play mini-golf & ping pong, take out a giant group paddle board, try the trapeze, learn archery, and more. Affinity Circles provide Delegates time to meet others working in three key categories: the Sustainable Development Goals, geographic regions, and social sector roles. The primary objective of the Affinity Circle program is to help Delegates identify and connect with their most aligned allies for work and growth.
All Affinity Circles will meet virtually in advance of OC’s flagship in-person gathering, as well as several times on-site. If you are interested in joining an Affinity Circle, refer to the OC2024 Agenda for the various places and times each Affinity Circle will be meeting. Also feel free to reach out directly to the Delegate(s) listed below, introduce yourself and share why you are interested in joining this particular Affinity Circle.
OC2024 Affinity Circles (downloadable pdf version)
Submit a video for in-room news channel (Collaboration Network News)
Collaboration Network News (CNN) is the Opportunity Collaboration’s two on-site television channels. Both channels broadcast 24/7 via into each Delegate’s Leadership Village room during the Opportunity Collaboration, as well as in the theatre in the evenings. All Delegates are encouraged to include at least one video clip for each CNN channel. One CNN broadcasts a video montage of 2-5 minute educational videos introducing the unique work Opportunity Collaboration Delegates and their organizations are accomplishing to combat poverty. The second CNN channel features longer (up to 2 hour) documentary-style films by or about Delegates and their organizations, showcasing their work in richer detail.
To Submit Your Films: on or before September 15, 2024, Delegates should ideally send a H.264(.MOV) via a Drop Box link to Paul Lynch ( and/or email Paul and his colleague, Stephanie (, to ensure that we receive the best quality video. We can also accept YouTube links, Vimeo links, etc. For snail mail, addresses packages to Topher Wilkins at U.S. Postal Service Address: P.O. Box 757, Santa Cruz, California 95061, USA. FedEx / UPS / DHL Delivery Address: 850 Front Street #757, Santa Cruz, California 95061, USA.
Distribute printed materials via our literature library
Tables for Delegate organizational displays and literature are available everyday on-site. Delegates are encouraged to bring modest amounts of materials for distribution. Based on prior years experience, 25 copies of handouts are usually sufficient, as these materials are mainly for fellow Delegates to peruse on-site during the event.
Opportunity Collaboration’s global network of leaders dedicated to solving poverty is over 2,000 Delegates strong. Don’t wait to increase your impact – start working together now!
Connection Concierge Service: Confirmed 2024 and prior Delegates may request introductions to each other at any time that is mutually productive. Search the OC Alumni Directory for potential allies, and email CEO Topher Wilkins with your reason for requesting a personal introduction. Introductions are always made with Delegate’s advance permission.
Regional Receptions: Throughout the year, Delegates host private regional receptions for fellow Delegates and their colleagues to further exchange ideas and resources and introduce new high-impact leaders to our network. Email CEO Topher Wilkins if you’d like to host an Opportunity Collaboration reception in your city.
Delegate Lookbook: Delegates are provided with a directory onsite that contains Delegate photos and contact information to facilitate communications and follow-up on connections made during the Opportunity Collaboration.
Social Media: Join the continued discussion, give feedback, provide help, or just keep networking. Visit our Facebook page, share your OC photos on Instagram (@OCimpact) and Tweet (@OCimpact).
OC’s JEDI Circle thanks StartingBloc for generously sharing their community agreements, inspiring these aspirations.
Don’t hold back. The best sessions and captivating private conversations will be about what is important to you and your work.
• As an agent of social change, what are your most significant institutional goals and challenges?
• What is your organization’s theory of change and how do you measure results?
• What is your current strategy or business plan for financial sustainability and/or accountable impact?
• What emerging and promising opportunities to reduce poverty do you see in the marketplace?
• What types of partners or expertise do you require or seek to achieve your objectives(s)?
• How are you currently realizing new opportunities for global connections and new alliances?
• Do you have a collaborative or hybrid social change model that other Delegates can replicate or join in partnership?
To continue productive conversations after the Opportunity Collaboration, all Delegates receive a complete physical Delegate Roster with full contact information. You don’t need to exchange or carry business cards.
We are a diverse group of change-makers with different racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, class, sexual, and gender backgrounds and orientations coming together to do what we can to make this world a better place for all.
We acknowledge working in a world with numerous divisions, and can’t pretend that all who come to this gathering are perceived as equal in social status in the world as it presently exists.
Absolutely all are welcome here. But by welcoming all we don’t in any way wish to disavow or diminish the very real differences each of us embodies.
Like the potent, self-aware people we aim to be we intentionally foreground those differences. We name them clearly in order to recognize the very real historical power differentials that have resulted from those differences.
Our aim is not to hide, repress, or deny those differences, but to go through them to realize our personal and collective aims.
~ by OC 2016 Delegate Frederick Marx of Warrior Films
Ask every Delegate: What is your mission? How can I help you advance it?
Be Yourself. Be Authentic. Be Evocative.
Share your passion with personal stories – the highs and the lows of your work. Make it personal. Make it real.
Be tangible. Provide other Delegates with the information needed to consider collaborating with you. If you were considering partnering or backing your organization, what would you want to know about it?
Honor the opinions of other Delegates by respecting the Opportunity Collaboration’s non-partisanship, confidentiality and informality.
Some of us have money, some do not. We meet at an all-inclusive resort in order to help minimize those class differences. But some of us are donors and some of us seek donations. That’s real too.
Class, race, gender, etc. privileges all exist. Some have more privileges, some less, but most of us embody some combination of both.
We aim to acknowledge all our power differentials with each other up front so that each of us can refine her/his awareness and work with them, not in spite of them.
We also acknowledge how privileged all of us are simply to be able to attend this gathering.
So let us be the change we seek to make in the world. Let us be leaders not only in our work outside Opportunity Collaboration, but in our work collaboratively as well.
Let us each bring our full awareness and most skillful means to acknowledging our differences and working with them during our time together, for our own benefit and for the benefit of all.
~ by OC 2016 Delegate Frederick Marx of Warrior Films
Whether you have money or want money, a few tips about framing intelligent conversations:
• Be candid. Funders can’t fund everything that is worthy and no anti-poverty program is the panacea. Save yourself and everyone else time by stating your agenda and focus.
• Failure never fails. Put forth what is working, what has failed and what you’ve learned. Your candor will be appreciated, and you will win converts to your cause.
• Keep it short. Be concise and get to the point. Don’t preach.
Your fellow Delegates, especially funders, are thought leaders and much more than the sum of their bank accounts. Avoid performing wallet biopsies on other Delegates. It disrespects the spirit of the Opportunity Collaboration to monetize every conversation.
Every Delegate shares your commitment to economic justice. All are seasoned veterans and distinguished leaders in the anti-poverty movement. Delegates appreciate comments and presentations that are demanding, challenging and sophisticated.
• Avoid generalities. Employ concrete examples, explain business models and provide clear theories of social change.
• Keep it simple and straightforward. Avoid jargon.
• Don’t talk about “me” and what you have achieved. It’s a given that all Opportunity Collaboration delegates are accomplished people.
• Don’t hesitate to discuss failures. Some of the best learning comes from what doesn’t work.
All sessions are conversational discussions, not lectures, formal presentations or panels. Powerpoint and other electronic aids are not available.
• Introductions should be the first order of business
• Start with a question, rather than your own presentation to stimulate participation
• Be concrete rather than theoretical
• Follow the conversation; don’t force it to go in a predetermined direction
• Don’t step on other speakers
Collaboration is not just a matter of playing nicely with others. It is an element of structural reform which can reduce organizational dysfunction. Institutional silos (such as entrepreneurs vs. nonprofits, governments vs. foundations, funders vs. grantees) block pragmatic problem-solving. Pack your ideas and solutions, but leave your institutional baggage (and your ego) behind.
The Opportunity Collaboration forms an extraordinary community of life-time allies and personal friendships. Leave even one day early (yes, we know, the home office can’t live without you, but neither can we) and you will miss the final moments when handshakes and hugs form the foundation for future collaboration.
All the paid and pro bono staff members are, like you, full Delegates of the Opportunity Collaboration. There is no hierarchy, and no levels of membership. Everyone you meet is committed to social & economic justice for all and is attending the Opportunity Collaboration to learn and share.
Collaborate yourself! Drink water and get some rest; you are in the tropics. You are not expected to attend every seminar, every round table and every stimulating program. Take a nap, take a walk, take care of yourself. Have fun!
Prior to January 31, 2025 = $2995 | $1795 Early Bird Registration
February 1 to May 31, 2025 = $3550 | $1995 Standard Registration
June 1, 2025 = $4995 | $2985 Registration Subject to Availability
The Room Sharing Delegate fee includes full Delegate standing. The room has two twin beds and share a bathroom. Delegates can request a specific roommate, or Opportunity Collaboration staff will pair together single Delegates electing to enroll at the room sharing rate.
Work trade Delegate positions are typically reserved for OC alumni. In exchange for ~30 hours of support, a registration rate of $995 is available for Delegates residing in OECD countries and $395 for Delegates in non-OECD countries (not including travel costs).
Examples of work trade roles include: Affinity Circle Leadership, Leadership Circle Moderation, On-Site Logistics, Health Support, New Delegate Support, and more.
Interested in contributing to the success of OC2025? Complete the work trade form here.
Fellowships provide exceptional social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders and journalists engaged in poverty alleviation and economic justice enterprises registration scholarships to participate as Delegates in the Opportunity Collaboration. Fellowships open doors, minds and networks, enrich the Opportunity Collaboration with new leaders, and infuse collaborative discussions with a diversity of experience and perspectives. Financial need is a primary consideration.
Fellows are responsible for their own travel costs, itinerary, and documentation. Click here to learn more about the fellowships and awards available and to apply.
The Opportunity Collaboration is family friendly and welcomes family members and significant others to accompany Delegates.
The Adult Traveling Companion all-inclusive registration fee is $495 ($995 OECD Country/$495 non-OECD Country for Work Trade Delegates) and includes 4 nights lodging and all meals, resort facilities and airport shuttle. Airfare and other personal expenses not included. To bring an Adult Traveling Companion, the primary Delegate must be registered for a private room. To add your Adult Traveling Companion to your existing registration, contact Registrar Tracie.
Traveling Companions may attend all networking receptions and events, all recreational programs and all evening activities. However, 9am – 6pm daily – OC’s signature Leadership Circles, Capacity Building Lunch Clinics and afternoon SDG, Region, Role and Cross-Sector Sessions – are reserved for full Delegates only. Companions who wish to participate in these programs should register as Room Sharing Delegates (see Delegate Room Sharing).
While Delegates are in the daily Leadership Circles, Capacity Building Lunch Clinics and afternoon SDG, Region, Role and Cross-Sector Sessions, Traveling Companions may at their own expense use the spa services or arrange offsite excursions ranging from golf, snorkeling and swimming with dolphins to cultural explorations. Spa and excursion appointments can be made upon arrival; fees vary by activity.
Children: 4 Years to 15 Years
An all-inclusive $350 fee is required for children 4 years to 15 years of age and includes all lodging, meals, resort access, airport shuttles, and complimentary childcare from 9am-5pm for children 4-12 years old. Children 16 years of age and older are considered Adult Traveling Companions. To bring an Adult Traveling Companion or child, the primary Delegate must be registered for a private room. To make changes to your existing registration, contact Registrar Tracie.
Family accommodations are equipped with strollers, cribs, baby bathtubs, bottle warmers and sanitizers, white noise players and changing areas. Family-friendly dining, beach and pool areas are designated for Delegates with children. For families with younger children, high chairs, booster seats and baby food are available.
Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver at all times during the Opportunity Collaboration. A supervised recreational program for 4-12 year olds is available from 9am to 6pm called OC Just for Kids. For children under 4, childcare at the onsite nursery is available on a fee basis.
Scheduling Travel.
Arrival day for is November 2, 2025.
The Collaboration commences that evening.
Departure date is November 6, 2025 anytime.
Important Note: Delegates departing before November 6, 2025 miss critical program and networking elements of the Opportunity Collaboration.
Attire and Packing: For information on packing, attire, weather, etc., see Venue Information below.
Customs: Baggage is searched randomly. After securing your luggage, customs officials will ask you to push a button. If the light flashes green, you have cleared customs without a luggage search. If a red light flashes, your bags will be searched.
Arrival Information: After customs & immigration, exit baggage claim and locate the Club Med signage. Club Med team members with Club Med and OC signs will take you to your shuttle for the 45-minute trip to the Club Med Da Balaia village.
Upon Arrival: At the Club Med Da Balaia village entrance, you will be greeted by Club Med team members, and you and your luggage will be escorted directly to your room. Near the village entrance and reception area there will also be an OC check-in table where you can receive your welcome materials including your Delegate Lookbook and name badge.
Departure Information: There is a monitor near reception that will display flight numbers/departure times along with what time the shuttle for that flight will depart. We will also email this information to all Delegates the night before departures.
Airfare should be booked to and from Faro International Airport (airport code: FAO).
Submit Flight Itinerary. Important Note: Flight information must be submitted in advance to reserve complimentary airport shuttle service. Delegates must finalize and submit an air travel itinerary on or before October 1, 2025. Provide your itinerary information as soon as you book your flight to
Delegates without prior shuttle service reservations or who arrive/depart an airport other than FAO will be responsible for arranging their own transportation.
Some delegates will require a visa to travel to Portugal. Each Delegate is ultimately responsible for securing their own visa, if required, to participate in Opportunity Collaboration. The OC team of staff and volunteers can provide some support, including invitation letters, visa information, and legal assistance for Delegates who notify us in advance and promptly provide materials and information required. More information about the visa process will be shared soon.
Opportunity Collaboration makes all arrangements for hotel accommodations at our leadership campus in Albufeira, Portugal. For extended stays or special requirements, contact Tracie.
Room Features & Cuisine. All rooms are equipped with king-size beds, air conditioning, safes, hairdryer, iron & ironing board, mini-bar, television and standard North American electrical outlets. Complimentary, but sometimes patchy, internet service is available. The leadership village serves healthy food options throughout the day. All meals, snacks, and beverages are included in the all-inclusive Delegate fee.
Health, Fitness & Safety. The leadership campus is a guarded enclave restricted to Delegates and hotel staff. Water is safe to drink. A nurse is on duty in the infirmary every day, around the clock. The all-inclusive Delegate fee includes complimentary use of all health and wellness facilities, including the gymnasium, tennis courts, kayaking, wind-foiling equipment, yoga and trapeze instruction, basketball, softball, ping pong, volleyball, mini-golf, tennis, archery and more.
Attire. The Collaboration atmosphere is relaxed, unhurried, informal and conducive to quiet conversation and dialogue. For daytime sessions and meals, Delegates should consider shorts, t-shirts and sandals suitable to tropical weather. For evenings, dressy resort attire is appropriate.
Weather. Albufeira, Portugal in November has average daytime temperatures of 70 degrees F and nighttime temperatures of 50 degrees F.
Special Items to Pack. Sunglasses, sun block, mosquito repellant and a hat are desirable. Comfortable shoes are advised. For sports, bring swimsuits, suitable sportswear and gear. For evening jam sessions, bring your musical instruments.
Emergency Contact Information. The Collaboration’s leadership village is rented from the Club Méditerranée corporation. Please remember to contact Opportunity Collaboration for all hotel arrangements.
Site Emergency Phone: +351 289 510 500
Site Address: Club Med Da Balaia, Praia Maria Luisa, 8200-854 Albufeira, Portugal
Opportunity Collaboration is a mission-driven social enterprise. Opportunity Collaboration exists to further the work of leaders ending poverty, in the United States and globally, and heavily invests in Fellowships. Because Delegates make the Opportunity Collaboration financially sustainable without subsidies from outside sources, Delegates are the only stakeholders. The network serves one purpose alone: increasing social justice and economic opportunity – no sponsors, no paid promotions, and no gimmicks.
Singularly amazing way to meet like-minded people who can help you move forward in whatever initiative you may have regarding social impact. Done how it should be done: through serendipity, friendships, and a human connection - rather than a cold, direct, transactional approach. - Roger Lacayo, Tip4Good
At Opportunity Collaboration, we envision a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally. We know that is not yet the world that we live in, and acknowledge that there is power and privilege that we must work to address to level the playing field.
We have a zero-tolerance policy for harm and harassment. Opportunity Collaboration reserves the right to decline Delegate status to anyone violating this policy. This policy is shared on the website and every Delegate receives written information onsite about how to report negative experiences, along with a list of individuals who can respond to concerns.
We seek to live our values in community, as demonstrated through our words and actions. We seek to create a space where everyone feels supported to show up as their best self and share their unique contributions with one another. We believe that we create our best work in the world in an environment where everyone can thrive. We seek to support our Delegates in being present with one another in a way that dismantles oppressive systems present in society at large.
To create a space where everyone feels welcomed and supported, we ask all Delegates in our community to follow these guidelines:
What is harassment? Harassment can be verbal, physical, or emotional. Harassment includes:
If you are involved in or witness any wrongful conduct at OC, we encourage you to notify us. Request Opportunity Collaboration staff support at the hotel reception, or email
Emails are treated confidentially and received by OC’s Management Team.
After January 31, 2025, a $995.00 cancellation fee is applied for Delegate cancellations. No cash refunds are allowed after June 30, 2025. If a Delegate cancels in July, August, September or October (prior to October 15th) of 2025, the Delegate’s fee balance remaining (after the $995.00 cancellation fee) can be credited towards OC2026: to use the credit, the Delegate must register for OC2026 prior to December 31, 2025; the credit will otherwise expire at the end of 2025. Delegate cancellations which occur after October 15, 2025 do not receive a credit towards OC2026. OC Add-on Registration Fees (OC Sunrise), Traveling Companion Fees, Private Room Upgrade Fee, Extended Stay Fee are non-refundable after October 15, 2025. If Opportunity Collaboration is cancelled by Club Med because of a force majeure event, Delegates will receive a credit for the value of their registration that is valid for any of our online or in-person gatherings within the next 3 years. Delegates with partial scholarships and staff with pre-approved discounted registrations for the Opportunity Collaboration are not entitled to a refund. To cancel, contact Tracie.
Delegates engage in activities and interactions at their own risk. A wide variety of activities are available to Delegates to the Opportunity Collaboration both onsite, through Club Med, and off site. By registering as an Opportunity Collaboration Delegate, the registrant acknowledges that Opportunity Collaboration is not responsible for any injury or damage that may be suffered by a Delegate engaging in these activities, and that Opportunity Collaboration is not responsible for the actions of individual Delegates.
I usually connect to people in conferences, but not at such a personal level; I usually go to conferences in nice places, but definitely not this nice; I usually learn in conferences, but not this much especially about myself; I usually collaborate with other people at conferences, but never with such intent; I usually have fun in conferences, but never close to this! - Leonardo Letelier, Founder & CEO, Sitawi
We are Stronger Together! << Click in for ways to support OC Community Members affected by recent funding cuts. |