NEID - Opportunity Collaboration
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New England International Donors (NEID) is partnering with Opportunity Collaboration to recruit outstanding NGO leaders, funders, journalists and academics to convene in Mexico from October 13-18 to forge collaborative solutions to global challenges.  In addition to engaging in a personally transformative morning leadership experience, the 400+ delegates to OC working in over 50 countries around the world share their own expertise via curated conversations throughout the afternoons and evenings.  Delegates engage in practical, skill-development sessions on media & board management, organizational development and more, plus immerse themselves in uber-networking to promote their work, and discover partners and kindred spirits.


Each year, well over a dozen NEID members attend, a testament to the tremendous value the OC community offers to philanthropists, impact investors and practitioners committed to ending global poverty.


A not-to-be-missed business retreat bound to strengthen your response to global problems, don’t miss the Opportunity Collaboration Global 2019!

“The OC is always one of the supreme highlights of my year! I hope you will be one of the many 2018 Delegates joining us to celebrate the 10th annual OC Global October 14-19th in Cancún!” - NEID member Karen Ansara

Still Not Convinced?

Learn why Delegates join, see OC success stories, and read the blog Karen wrote about her experience at the OC a few years ago here!

“An impressive, even exhilarating time for intensive discussions with social entrepreneurs, activists and fellow funders from all over the world. The retreat setting and engaged format promotes tangible social investments and actionable decision-making for my foundation.” – Ron Cordes, Co-Founder, Cordes Foundation